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Chanakya Niti Katha added

Currently being added is the Chanakya Niti Katha by Giani Manjit Singh (Damdami Taksal wale). More to follow soon.

New Mp3 Katha added

Currently being added are 92 Mp3s of Katha by Giani Sher Singh (Ambala wale). The Katha is from the first Raas of the Sri Gurpartap Suraj Parkash. More Katha to follow soon.

Ish Upanishad Katha added

Added today is the katha from the Ish Upanishad by Sant Darshan Singh Shastri (Banaras wale). More to be added soon

Bhagat Bani Katha in Hindi added

Currently being added are 38 Mp3 files of katha by Sant Darshan Singh Shastri (Banaras wale). The katha is of the Bhagat Bani and is uttered in Hindi during the Vedant Samellan in Amritsar to a largely Hindu community. More katha to be added soon

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Steeks added

Currently being added to the GurmatVeechar website thanks to Sikhbookclub are the Shromani Steeks by Damdami Taksal under the guidance of Baba Harnam Singh (Bhindrawale). The Pothis numbered 2, 3, 5 and 6 have been added. Hopefully with more to come

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