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Santhiya and Paath mp3s added

Added today is the Gurbani Paath Ucharan by Giani Gurpreet Singh (Damdami Taksal wale) of the Sri Nitnem Sahib along with the Santhiya of the Sri Raagmala. More to follow soon

More Katha added

Added today is more katha by Baba Balvir Singh (Anandpur Sahib wale) is another 20 mp3s of katha ranging from Gurbani, Sri Gurpartap Suraj Parkash and Sri Nanak Parkash katha from Canada and England. More to be added soon

Sri Nirmal Panth Bodh added

Added today thanks to Sant Darshan Singh Shastri is the PDf of Sri Nirmal Panth Bodh by Giani Balwant Singh Kotha Guru Wale. This can be found under the punjabi literature section of the website. More to be added soon

More katha added

Added today is more katha by Giani Harbhajan Singh (Vidyarthi Sampardai Bhindra). The katha added is from the Katha of Bhai Gurdas Dian Varan, Sri Gur Pur Parkash and other Misc Katha. More to follow soon

More Lareevar Katha added

Added today is more Lareevar Katha of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji commentated upon by Sant Hari Singh (Randhawe wale). Added today is the katha from Raag Tilang, Raag Suhi, Raag Bilaval and Raag Gond. More to follow soon.

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