
New Granths added

February 17, 2021

Added within the Punjabi books section id a folder for Pandit Gulab Singh (Nirmala). Within the folder are the granths of the Adhyatam Ramayan and the Parbodh Chandar Natak to download.


5th Raas of Suraj Parkash added

February 15, 2021

Currently being added is the katha of the fifth Raas of the Sri Gurpartap Suraj Parkash Granth by Baba Jagjit Singh (Harkhowal wale). In total there are 66 mp3s.

More will follow soon

Another Puratan Granth added

Added today is a PDF of a Saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is bound in gold and believed to have been written by Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji.

More to follow soon

New Granth PDF added

February 14, 2021

Added today is a PDF of a unique Granth. This is the PDF of the Khari Granth by Bhai Mani Singh from 1713 which has the ordering of the Bani according to the Gurus and followed by the Bhagats. This Granth is also a mix of the bani from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji.

The Granth is over 2000 pages and nearly a GB in size to download.

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New Granth PDF added