
New katha Mp3s added

March 30, 2020

Recently added are 73 new Katha Mp3s by Bhai Daljeet Singh (Damdami Taksal wale).

More to be added soon

Das Granth Paath Bodh Samagam recordings

March 25, 2020

Added today are the 2019 Audio MP3 recording of the Das Granthi Paath Bodh Samagam from Gurdwara Singh Sabha Malton. This samagam was undertaken by Giani Bhagwan Singh (Bhidrawale) and Giani Balraj Singh (Damdami Taksal wale)

More to follow soon

More katha for those socially isolated!

March 23, 2020

Added today over 50 Mp3s of Katha by Giani Manpreet Singh Ji (Damdami Taksal wale). More katha to be added soon

More Katha added

March 21, 2020

Since everyone seems to be self isolating, more mp3s of katha have been added. Katha has been added by Giani Darshan Singh (Damdami Taksal wale).

More to follow soon.

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More Katha added